Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Session Variables vs. Hidden Inputs

I often see people asking about how to make data persist across multiple pages of forms, and the two options that inevitably come up are using session variables and using hidden form inputs. Using session variable refers to the practice of saving your form variables as session variables, then accessing them all at once from the session scope at the appropriate time. Using hidden input refers to the practice of accumulating data from previous form in hidden inputs so that it looks to your action page or component that the user just submitted one big form (which, in fact, they technically did).

There's nothing wrong with using hidden inputs, but using session variables is really the better solution. For one thing, it makes the code more versatile and gives you the flexibility to make your application less linear if you want to, or to more easily rearrange your forms. Additionally, the code is much more maintainable and easier to follow.

Some people use the argument of memory usage to suggest that hidden inputs are better since session variables are stored in your server's RAM. Unless you are running ColdFusion off an Apple Newton, RAM is not going to be an issue. Let's prove the point by doing the numbers:

Let's say that a fully filled out form is about 500 bytes of data, or to make the math a little cleaner, let's say 512 bytes, which means that for every kilobyte of RAM allocated to your JVM, you can handle two simultaneous sessions. That means to use a single megabyte of RAM, you would have to have 2048 simultaneous sessions. Admittedly, session data structures themselves (Hashtables) use RAM, so we're not just talking about the bytes of form data, but considering the fact that I have 512MB of RAM allocated to the JVM on my production server, I don't worry much about these details.

If you are concerned about RAM -- if your application use huge sessions and your servers are 10 years old with tiny amounts of memory -- just buy another stick of RAM. In the long run (and maybe even the short run), it will be much cheaper than avoiding session variables.

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