Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pass Array to a Stored Procedure

Simple Method to Pass Array to a Stored Procedure - SQL Server Side

Consider the following simple method for defining the stored procedure using dynamic SQL. The array parameter is defined simply as a string and the input will be expected to be comma-delimited. By forming the sql dyanmically with the input string, we can query against the values in the array by using the IN command.

@MyCodes as varchar(500) = '', -- comma delimited list of codes, ie: '''ABC'', ''DEF'', ''GHI'''
DECLARE @query as nvarchar(500)

set @query = 'SELECT * FROM DATA WHERE Code IN (@p_MyCodes)'

exec SP_EXECUTESQL @query,
N'@p_MyCodes varchar(500)',
@p_MyCodes = @MyCodes

The above stored procedure definition will accept a comma-delimited string, which we process as an array using the SQL IN command. Note, we had to use dyanmic SQL to properly form the query (which involves expanding the comma-delimited string).

Simple Method to Pass Array to a Stored Procedure - C# .NET Side

Next, we need to define the method to pass the data and execute the stored procedure from C# .NET.

The first step is to convert our array of data into a comma-delimited string, which is what the stored procedure expects to receive. Depending on your data type, this code may vary. For this example, we are using a .NET collection.

string myCodes = string.Empty; // Initialize a string to hold the comma-delimited data as empty

foreach (MyItem item in MyCollection)
if (myCodes.Length > 0)
myCodes += ", "; // Add a comma if data already exists

myCodes += "'" + item.Name + "'";

The code above will create a string in the following format:

Now that the collection has been converted to a string, we can pass the value as a parameter to the stored procedure by using the following code:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

SqlConnection MyConnection = null;
SqlDataReader MyReader = null;

// Create the SQL connection.
MyConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=(local);DataBase=Northwind;Integrated Security=SSPI"))

// Create the stored procedure command.
SqlCommand MyCommand = new SqlCommand("GetData", MyConnection);

// Set the command type property.
MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

// Pass the string (array) into the stored procedure.
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@MyCodes", myCodes));

// Execute the command
MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader();

// ...
catch (Exception excep)
if (MyReader != null)

if (MyConnection != null)

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